Technical SEO Services

Stay Ahead of Your Web Presence Appetite with Cutting-Edge Technical SEO Services

Unlock the Potential of Technical SEO with eKartGuru! Our comprehensive technical SEO audits ensure that your website complies with the latest search engine guidelines while delivering a seamless user experience. By partnering with our seasoned SEO specialists, you can position your website at the top of search results, attracting high-quality leads. Click here to collaborate with our experienced team and harness the power of our unparalleled technical SEO services for your business.

On-site Optimization

Boost Your Website’s Relevance and Visibility with On-Page SEO! On-page SEO involves optimizing critical website elements that drive highly targeted traffic to your site. This includes optimizing title tags, headings, keywords, and external links on web pages, which play a significant role in improving your website’s search engine rankings.

Core Web Vitals Optimization

Google has introduced a set of metrics called Core Web Vitals, which greatly impact the overall user experience of a web page. At our company, our technical SEO professionals conduct comprehensive audits to identify and address the top three Core Web Vitals metrics: largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift.

Structured data (Schema)

Leverage the Power of Schema Markup for Enhanced Website Visibility! Our experts strategically implement schema markup to facilitate seamless crawling and understanding of your website’s content by search engine crawlers. By adding schema markup, we ensure that the content is displayed in a structured manner, improving its visibility in search engine results.

Enabling AMP

Enhance Mobile Page Load Speed with AMP Implementation! Instant page loading significantly boosts user engagement on mobile devices. Our experts specialize in installing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your web pages, adhering to a comprehensive set of Google guidelines. By ensuring your website is AMP-compliant, we prioritize delivering a seamless web experience to your users on mobile devices.

URL Structure

Optimize Your Website’s Technical SEO with Effective URL Structure! The importance of URL structure is often overlooked in technical SEO. Many businesses unknowingly create URLs with excessive, irrelevant, and convoluted words, which can negatively impact SEO performance and website browsability. At our company, we prioritize constructing the perfect URL structure by carefully embedding relevant keywords.

W3C Validation

Our team conducts thorough audits using tools such as W3C Validator or Markup Validator to ensure that your website adheres to the correct web formatting standards. Achieving W3C compliance can be a complex process, as it involves navigating through various terms and conditions. However, we are dedicated to aligning your website’s source code with W3C standards, ensuring that search engines, browsers, and end users interpret your website.



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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you assure me that my website will secure a spot on the first page of Google’s search results?

Achieving the top position on the first page of search results is influenced by various factors such as compelling content, strategic keywords, time, and high-quality backlinks. By employing a comprehensive strategy that incorporates conversion-focused and awareness-building keywords, we can effectively secure a prominent placement on the first page for your business. It is important to note that the timeline for achieving this goal may vary based on the level of competition in your industry.

What methods will you employ to enhance my search engine rankings?

In today’s advanced search engine landscape, algorithms have become more sophisticated, rank triggers play a crucial role, and intelligent bots make indexing a challenge. To navigate these complexities, we employ a strategy that focuses on conversion-boosting keywords, generating high-quality content, and establishing relevant backlinks. This gradual approach helps enhance your search rankings over time. Additionally, we prioritize transparency by providing monthly reports and conducting bi-monthly meetings to keep you informed about our processes.

What is your approach to handling backlinks?

We prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to backlinks, recognizing that a hundred high-quality backlinks hold more value than a million random links. Our strategy involves establishing connections with influential figures in your industry to promote your business and acquire valuable backlinks. Furthermore, we generate backlinks through well-crafted articles, press releases, blogs, images, and videos from reputable websites with high domain authority (DA). This approach proves highly advantageous for websites across various domains and industries.

What is the typical timeframe for seeing results and success in SEO efforts?

There is no limit to the potential success of SEO. However, initial results typically become apparent within a minimum of 30 days and continue to improve over time. SEO offers excellent return on investment (ROI) as its costs are typically lower compared to paid advertising channels. Additionally, strong SEO practices complement and support paid marketing efforts. Our clients experience consistent and sustainable sales growth as a result of effective SEO strategies.

What components are included in your SEO package?

Our SEO packages are thoughtfully crafted to cater to the unique needs of every business. In general, our package encompasses essential services such as technical site optimization, link building, content writing, and graphic design. These activities form the core of our ongoing SEO campaigns. However, the specific emphasis placed on each activity may vary depending on the nature of your business and industry.

Could you provide a portfolio or examples of your previous work?

Throughout our seven years of experience, we have been fortunate to witness numerous remarkable success stories. We take pride in our ability to collaborate with businesses from their early stages and help them mature their websites over time. Many of our clients have experienced consistent and sustainable growth, leading to long-term partnerships. To explore our collection of success stories, please visit our website.

What specific roles and responsibilities do you undertake as part of your services?

We assume full responsibility for elevating your website’s ranking above your competitors, allowing you to concentrate on nurturing leads and expanding your business. Our services include comprehensive keyword research, analysis of the competitive landscape, creation of compelling content, establishment of quality backlinks, optimization of on-page content, and driving conversions. Reach out to us to explore the details of our technical SEO services.

How do you define and measure success in the context of your services?

For us, SEO success entails securing the top position on the first page of Google search results for relevant customer queries. This achievement not only increases the volume of traffic but also ensures its quality. Our ultimate goal is to consistently generate high-quality leads for your business through effective SEO practices. Furthermore, the success of our SEO efforts indirectly enhances the impact of your Google Ad campaigns.

Do you provide content creation services as part of your SEO offerings?

Absolutely, we offer comprehensive content production services as part of our SEO package. We specialize in crafting keyword-rich blogs tailored to your website’s needs and generating ample content for the purpose of acquiring backlinks. Recognizing the significance of high-quality and SEO-friendly content, our team creates engaging articles, blogs, Quora posts, social media content, directory submissions, classified ads, and more. We consistently generate such content to support your SEO goals.

How can I trust and have confidence in the services you provide?

We build trust by offering a five-day free trial and establishing clear monthly goals from the start. We create a content calendar that can be adjusted based on your website’s specific needs. Instead of requiring full payment upfront, we only charge 50% of the total amount to begin. We send the monthly invoice only once the committed monthly activities have been successfully completed. Also as per DesignRush, we are the best digital marketing agency in Atlanta, please review eKartGuru on DesignRush. We value the trust our clients place in us and strive to maintain strong and transparent relationships.